Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Catcing up....

Wow! Almost forgot that I had started this blog thing! Life has been busy, to say the least, over the last several months. I graduated from college, selected a grad school, we moved our family, started a new job and began graduate school (these last two are one in the same). As a grad student life could not be busier! I don't think I've been this tired since freshman year of college! I have had several literally sleepness nights and am up to my ears in things that need my attention! I am told that these first couple of years are unbelievably intense, which makes the last 2 or 3 seem much easier. =)
Lately I have been quite sick of hearing about all of the sill stuff that news people call news. Who cares if the pope had a spider crawling on him!! Seriously, was someone just out of things to do and too lazy to do some real news worthy research?!? It's no wonder that our nation is deteriorating both culturally and economically!! But, hey, this is all IRRELEVANT!!