Monday, March 2, 2009

I-rel-uh-vuhnt (difined)

Irrelevant (i-rel-uh-vuhnt ; adjective): not applicable or pertinent; having no probative value upon any issue in the case.

I have found that there are many things that can at any given time fit this description. For instance: the color of shoes I'm wearing right now. They happen to be orange and black Solomons, but that is irrelevant. I have used this word in context many times, and have been accused of not knowing what irrelevant means. Well, I am going to set out to prove that I DO and that this word can be used and properly applied in several instances to get yourself out of a jam, or just to sound really smart, like you actually know what you are talking about! After all isn't that what lawyers use it for!

(The point is not really to prove that I know what it means, but rather I will blog mostly about whatever and then end with some sort of totally random use of the use of the word, it's kind of going to be my pedestal.)

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